Benchmarks & Trends, Employee Experience
Employee experience in Latin America is the best in the world.
In our global study of workplace culture - the largest in history - we asked 3.4 million employees in 90 countries to tell us about their experiences. High-trust culture is driving the best workplaces across the world. But there are also differences depending on where in the world your work and live.
We analyzed more than 50 workplace culture themes: in areas such as fair treatment, celebrations, values, and work-life balance. Each region revealed different markers of great workplace culture.
Employees in Latin America prize psychological safety the most at their workplace. As a haven from the outside political unrest. For workers in Europe, its fairness. In US and Canada, community is driving employee engagement. In Asia and the Middle East, a sustainable work-life balance has the biggest impact on employee experience.
As workplace themes differ across regions, so does the average overall employee experience.
Workplaces in Latin America lead the way
Employees in Latin America reported having the best workplace experience. When they responded to the question “Taking everything into account, I would say this is a great place to work” - 70% were positive for average organizations. This figure is 19% higher at the Best Workplaces in Latin America (89%) – the smallest gap among regions.
Asia and the Middle East had the biggest experience gap between Best Workplaces and other organizations. Only 53% responded positively to the statement. At Best Workplaces in Asia the average of positive statements was 87% - that’s a 34% difference from the best.
Psychological safety first
Employees in this region are thriving where people say they work in a psychologically safe environment. Employees value clear communication and caring bonds that extend to the broader community.
The best workplaces in Latin America stand out for their experience of an emotionally healthy workplace. Employees value that management keep people informed on important issues. And they have good feelings about the organization’s contributions to the community.
Latin America has weathered significant social, economic and political turmoil in recent years. The Best Workplaces in Latin America realize that in a climate of great uncertainty, two-way communication with leadership is especially important.
A fundamental sense of caring among colleagues is also important in Latin America. As is employees' ability to bring their full selves to work.
Want to learn how employees in other geographic regions define a great workplace? Read more findings on the largest global workplace study here.