purpose LP preview

In Great Place To Work® research, the data on purpose at work is clear: Connecting employees with meaningful work leads to increased retention, innovation, employee engagement, employee well-being, and revenue.

Connection to purpose drives better business outcomes, but that’s only if employees understand how their role connects to the organization’s purpose. And the responsibility for creating purpose at work falls to managers.     

This report offers insights into how companies can ensure employees feel their role has more meaning and is more than “just a job.”   

The Power of Purpose in the Workplace report outlines: 
  • Why and how purpose at work triples employee retention 
  • What it looks like when purpose drives innovation and employee resilience 
  • Why purpose is essential for building the workforce of the future 
  • The No. 1 component that ties a sense of purpose to profits   
Download your copy of this essential report on purpose at work today.