New Year, New Things to Learn! Dare Yourself!

 employee engagement, human resources, 2017 tips, Vera Marie Reed
The year is still young, and it is not too late to dare yourself to learn and do new things to support the success of your employees.

The new year is like pressing a reset button. The opportunity to reflect on the year before and single out opportunities to improve and refocus surface. Many of us create resolutions each year that become a forgotten thought within weeks (sometimes days) of being created. The year is still young, and it is not too late to dare yourself to learn and do new things to support the success of your employees. Ultimately the more successful your employees are, the more prosperous your company is likely to be. Need help getting started? Use these tips to help you come up with ideas for your list.

Dare To...

Communicate effectively

Communication in the workplace should be a two-way street for both management and employees. Keep your staff “in the know” about achievements as well as any forks in the road. Listen closely to any complaints or constructive criticism in order to adopt solutions that will help the business run smoothly. Effective communication in the workplace builds trust and confidence in employees giving them the opportunity to put in their best efforts, producing premium quality work.

Help employees learn about new opportunities at your company

Many managers will often hold onto great talent for their own personal reasons, leaving employees with no options of advancing within a company. As a result, employees may go to a competitor or other company to continue building their skill set and work portfolio. Encourage senior management to help current employees explore new opportunities within your organization by facilitating internal transfers. Enabling employees to learn and grow from within gives them an opportunity to gain vast knowledge, experience and leadership skills.

Praise a lot

Never miss an opportunity to praise an employee for doing well on a project or task. Praise motivates people to continue doing well. Do it as often as you can.

Encourage failure

Give employees the opportunity to take risks that will not jeopardize the overall success of the company. Create an environment where ideas can be tested with the chance to learn from failure and success alike.

Reward dedicated employees

Develop an employee recognition program to publicly award employees for their efforts. Consider giving away cash gifts, gift cards, trophies, tablets or trips as prizes. Employees will appreciate having the opportunity to shine amongst their colleagues for their contributions.

Get rid of negativity

Nip negativity in the bud. Quickly diffuse all negative energy and tension. Do not allow employees to disrespect or talk nasty to each other. Possession of a negative disposition can kill office morale.

Reimburse for professional development

Encourage employees to participate in ongoing learning and career development that can help them to perform better at work. Strongly consider reimbursement for attending a conference, seminars, workshops or higher education.

Develop an ongoing mentoring program

Mentor programs provide a great opportunity to onboard new employees while partnering them with a senior manager to learn from. This is an excellent way to promote ongoing learning inexpensively. As employees become more experienced they will often pay it forward and become mentors themselves continuing the cycle.

Schedule mandatory brainstorming sessions

Schedule mandatory informal brainstorming meetings at least once a month. These sessions allow employees to give their feedback, ideas, learn from other’s point of view and develop as a team.

Dare yourself to continue to find life-long learning opportunities for you and your employees. The professional growth and development will be rewarding.

Vera Marie Reed