Survey: 2023 Best Workplaces By Industry Outshine Typical Workplaces

 Survey: 2023 Best Workplaces By Industry Outshine Typical Workplaces

Sept. 19, 2023 (Oakland, Calif.) — Industry has little to do with whether you can offer employees a positive workplace experience, according to new research from Great Place To Work®. 

Great Place To Work’s survey of more than 1.3 million employees for the 2023 Fortune Best Workplaces™ by industry lists revealed that companies that prioritize people outperform across all culture and business metrics no matter the industry.

“There are many people looking to make a career change and wondering which industry they should switch to,” says Michael C. Bush, CEO of Great Place To Work. “They’ll ask, ‘What’s the best industry to work in?’ There isn’t one. The question you should ask is, ‘Who’s the best company to work for?’” 

The payoff of people-first cultures shows up in employees’ intention to stay at their companies (88%), referrals (91%), discretionary effort (90%), and agility (87%) — nearly double that of typical workplaces across all measures. 

“This is what happens when you take care of your people,” Bush says. “Every leader I know wants to increase their productivity, performance, innovation, and agility levels. You need the best people to do that. To get and keep those people, it’s your job to make sure they look forward to coming to work every day. Lead this way and you won’t look back.” 

A comparison of the employee experience at a typical and winning workplace in retail — an industry that’s struggled more than others to fill vacancies since the pandemic — proves this to be true.

Not only did the Fortune Best Workplaces in Retail™ report a dramatically better workplace experience than their industry peers (52% better), but they easily outperformed a typical U.S. employer by 35%, including the highly competitive industries of professional services and technology by 25% and 27%, respectively.  

Retail is not unusual. All the 2023 Fortune Best Workplaces by industry outrank the experience of employees when compared with typical workplaces.  

Great Place To Work determined the Best Workplaces by industry lists by analyzing data from more than 1.3 million employees from qualifying companies in 11 industries:

Visuals available: Best Workplaces by Industry


About the 2023 Fortune Best Workplaces by industry

Great Place To Work selected the Best Workplaces for each of the 11 industries in 2023 based on feedback collected from more than 1.3 million employee responses from qualifying Great Place To Work Certified™ organizations in the United States. Company rankings are derived from 60 employee experience questions within the Great Place To Work Trust Index™ Survey.

To get on this list next year, start here.  

About Great Place To Work

Great Place To Work is the global authority on workplace culture. Since 1992, it has surveyed more than 100 million employees worldwide and used those deep insights to define what makes a great workplace: trust. Its employee survey platform empowers leaders with the feedback, real-time reporting, and insights they need to make data-driven people decisions. Everything it does is driven by its mission to build a better world by helping every organization become a great place to work for all. 

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Great Place To Work