FAQ & Policies
What is the Great Place To Work® ERGX 2024?
ERG Experience (ERGX) is a first-of-its kind, invitation only gathering, designed for those who have a pivotal role in leading and organizing your company’s employee resource groups. The Great Place To Work ® For All ™ Summit, in its 19th year, is a broader gathering of strategic business and HR leaders. Registrants to the ERG Experience have access to all the content for both ERG Experience and For All Summit. The ERG Experience programming will not overlap with the For All Summit mainstage and keynote events.
What is the schedule for the ERG Experience?
May 7th - 6:00 p.m.: An ERG Experience evening welcome and networking reception.
May 8th - 7:15 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.: ERG Experience programming and For All Summit mainstage events.
May 8th - 5:45 p.m.: An ERG Experience community service activation event with food provided.
May 9th - 7:15 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.: ERG Experience programming and For All Summit mainstage events
What is the cost of registration for the ERG Experience?
Great Place To Work is thrilled about bringing The Great Transformation cohort ERG leaders together for this event. To help make this an epic success, passes for the event are complimentary!
What is the dress code?
Business casual. Temperatures in event spaces may fluctuate widely, and we do recommend wearing comfortable layers.
When is registration open?
Registration launches on October 11, 2023, and closes on April 19, 2024.
Why should I register early?
The earlier you register, the more we can design our focus sessions and workshops around YOUR needs. You can share your suggestions by answering the 3 questions on the registration form. Please consider your answers thoughtfully, as they will guide us in the planning process.
What if I’m registering for someone else?
When registering for someone else, please answer with “N/A” or “N/A, I’m registering on behalf of someone else” where appropriate. **Please be sure to provide the actual attendee’s email address.
What if I’m registering for multiple people at once?
There are benefits to attendees completing their own registration so we are gathering feedback through that process (See: Why should I register early? above). If your company’s process is to have someone administer multiple registrations, our registration site easily accommodates.
To register for multiple people, change the quantity in the drop-down menu for Registration Options and continue. On the second screen, you will be prompted through all the registrants.
What if we need to cancel or substitute a registrant?
Circumstances may change prior to the event dates. If a cancellation or substitution is needed, please reach out the Great Place To Work ERGX Team at gail.oroke@greatplacetowork.com by April 19th. Note: there is no charge for cancellation or substitutions.
What are the event's safety precautions?
The Great Place To Work ERGX team is dedicated to ensuring a great experience and keeping you safe during any ongoing pandemic conditions. The event will continue to adhere to the CDC and local health agencies recommendations and will update event health policies as necessary.
What should I know about travel and lodging?
Great Place To Work has your registration for the ERG Experience covered. Your company is responsible for the cost of travel and lodging.
Though New Orleans has many lodging options, we strongly recommend the host hotel noted below. All events and shared meals will be at this venue. To book your host hotel accommodations and take advantage of our special group rate of $289.00 USD/night (plus applicable taxes and fees) at the Hilton New Orleans Riverside, please click HERE. Room block rates are subject to availability. The Great Place To Work room block closes on April 3, 2024.
To reserve by phone call Hilton reservations at 1-888-4HONORS (888-446-6677). Reference the Great Place To Work For All Summit in New Orleans in May 2024 for the room block rate.
The Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport is only a 25-minute drive to our venue.
What should I know about travel and lodging?
The Great Place To Work ERGX team is dedicated to ensuring a great experience and keeping you safe during any ongoing pandemic conditions. The event will continue to adhere to the CDC and local health agencies recommendations and will update event health policies as necessary.
Can I take my own video during ERGX?
Attendees may take video at all optional events. Attendees will be asked to refrain from taking video during the educational sessions. There are no restrictions on photo taking, except to leverage courtesy and appropriate timing.
Can I receive professional development credit hours for attending?
Great Place To Work is recognized by SHRM and HRCI to offer credit hours for attending our Summit. In the past, this activity has been approved for Recertification Credit Hours: HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™, SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute's® (HRCI®). Please make note of the activity ID number (To Be Announced) on your recertification application form. For more information about certification or recertification, please visit the HR Certification Institute website at www.hrci.org
What if I have more questions ?
Please contact the Great Place To Work® ERGX Team at gail.oroke@greatplacetowork.com.
Please contact the Great Place To Work® ERGX Team at gail.oroke@greatplacetowork.com.
Meals & Breaks
During the Great Place To Work® For All™ ERGX, breakfast, lunch, morning and afternoon refreshments will be provided. If you have food allergies or dietary requirements, please specify them when completing your registration form or the Great Place To Work® ERGX Team at gail.oroke@greatplacetowork.com with your request.
For any questions or additional needs around accessibility at the Great Place To Work® ERGX 2024, please contact the Great Place To Work® ERGX Team at gail.oroke@greatplacetowork.com.
Great Place To Work For All™ Summit Anti-Harassment Policy
The Great Place To Work ERGX is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone (regardless of the following (but not limited to): gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, or religion). We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any event venue, including talks. ERGX participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference [without a refund] at the discretion of the event organizers. See full policy here