Navigating Uncertainty: Why Listening During Change Builds Stronger Teams

 Stressed employee tries to cope with external and internal stress

Employee ListeningEmployee SurveysListeningMaintaining Company Culture

Change is messy, but silence is riskier. Gathering feedback during tough times isn’t just smart — it’s essential to maintaining trust and resilience. 

“It’s not the right time — we’re going through [insert big change here].” Mergers, layoffs, restructures, shifts in leadership, even changes in government policies — these moments of uncertainty can feel overwhelming.

If you’re feeling nervous about surveying your employees during times of upheaval, you’re not alone. That hesitation comes from a very real place: fear of the unknown. And that fear? It’s valid. 

But here’s the thing: When your company or the world is in a state of flux, the idea of surveying employees might seem like trying to read a map while the ground shifts beneath your feet. It seems unstable, even risky. But that’s exactly why you need the map to find steady ground.   

It’s precisely during these moments that the practice becomes more vital than ever. Surveys during these periods aren’t just about collecting data — they’re about connecting with your people when they need it most. 

Set expectations and align with your executive team 

We all worry that showing results that are any less than great can reflect negatively on our people or performance. But the truth is, feedback during uncertain times isn’t a report card — it’s a roadmap. Spending time to support executive leaders in understanding the value of getting feedback during uncertainty will pay dividends in the long run.

We have tools and teams to help you, including pre-survey communication resources, your customer Knowledge Base, and consulting support. 

Why it’s important to survey employees during change or a crisis 

Leaders facing uncertainty already understand the challenges of guiding their teams through change. Gathering employee feedback during these times isn’t just another task — it’s a valuable tool to help you navigate complexity, strengthen trust, and uncover solutions that may not be immediately visible. Here’s why:

  • Informing strategic decisions: Survey feedback guides leadership’s decisions during uncertainty.
  • Unmasking hidden concerns: Surveys illuminate concerns about job security, work-life balance, and adapting to new technologies during uncertain times. 
  • Encouraging innovation and adaptability: Surveys don’t just measure engagement — they help uncover creative ideas, process improvements, and solutions to current challenges. Employees on the front lines often have insights that leadership may not see. 
  • Supporting change management: Surveys provide insight into the resistance to change, supporting effective management strategies. 
  • Strengthening communication: Surveys are two-way channels between management and staff, facilitating better understanding. 
  • Building trust: Seeking feedback, sharing the results, and acting on that feedback rebuilds trust during periods of instability. 

5 tips for listening when it feels uncomfortable

  1. Involve employees in problem-solving to foster a sense of shared ownership. When people feel heard, they feel valued. 
  2. Look for opportunities to pause and bring employees together to reflect. Shared experiences build resilience. 
  3. Focus on your company’s strengths and build from there. What has worked in the past can guide you through the present.
  4. Reassure confidentiality to create psychological safety and encourage honest feedback.
  5. Explain your endgame so employees understand how their feedback will drive meaningful action.

Navigating employee surveys during crises or times of upheaval isn’t about ticking a box. It’s about genuinely engaging with your workforce to understand their concerns, support change, and foster a resilient organizational culture. When done thoughtfully, these surveys become more than tools — they become lifelines. 

Your Customer Success Manager (CSM) can help you start listening today—whether you’re ready to dive in or just want to talk through your concerns. Whether you're a longtime customer or exploring our services, we’re here to support you in navigating change and strengthening your team. Reach out to learn how we can help you gather valuable feedback and build a more resilient culture.

Claire Hastwell